Level 801 - 900

Candy Crush Soda Saga level 801 - 900

Here are tips and hints for Candy Crush Soda Saga level 701 to 800, follow the links to see either comprehensive tips to the level you need, or a video where we have no tips yet.
Candy Crush Soda Saga is a more challenging game than the original Candy Crush Saga so we are working to give you tips for all the most difficult levels.
Below are links to level 801 - 900, click on the level you need and we'll help you pass.
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Lucky me said...

Love your site but stuck on 896, help!

April said...

Thanks for all the excellent help on playing this evilly addictive game. I almost always pass a difficult level after watching your version play.

I did have a question regarding using your site. Is there an easy way to to go from one page to the next level-wise? For those times I have difficulty two levels in a row, it would be nice to be able to do this.

Thanks again.

Unknown said...

Been playing this game for a very long time, but I receive no boosters, awards or bonuses. Have deleted the game several times over the past year , but that has not helped. Could you please check my game and let me know what I need to do.

Thank you for your time.

Mitz MoranID: ID.1007970347